What is a Global CDN, and How Can it Improve Your Website?

These days, the internet seems like a pretty easy thing to maneuver for most people. Looking up new websites and navigating search engines to find accurate information is something we all know how to do out of necessity. However, like a lot of other modern technological developments, most people don't have any idea of how it all really works.


Breakdown of a CDN

CDN stands for content distribution network, or content delivery network depending on who you're asking. CDNs are what make it possible for websites to load across wide geographic areas by keeping a log of all the content that's hosted on your website. This can include blog posts, images, videos, notes you've made - you name it.

What Are the Benefits of a Global CDN?

The benefits of a global CDN are right in the name - they allow web users to load websites from around the world faster, because instead of all the content being transferred across an internet connection, CDNs allow you to directly access that pre-made log of content. Why is this important? Well, have you ever found yourself trying to access a website and it just ... won't ... load? Even a wait time of over five or ten seconds can seem like an eternity in our modern age of 5G and gigabyte download speeds. In fact, it's well-established that first-time visitors to a website that won't load quickly or completely are much less likely to return. If you want people from all over the world to return to your site again and again, then a global CDN can definitely make that a reality.

Engage Global CDN

With Engage's web development and design services, you'll have full access to a global CDN which will keep track of all your site's important data on a system of interconnected servers that will make it that much easier for new visitors to view it quickly. It doesn't matter how good your content is if your webpages are slow to load and your images are lacking in quality. If your servers aren't up to snuff, then you won't be able to make that good impression on new visitors that's so important when trying to build traffic.

This is the exact reason why we wanted to include global CDNs into our web design packages. We want all of our clients to feel not only proud of their websites, but secure in the knowledge that they won't crash or go down when traffic reaches a peak. After all, we all want large amounts of visitors frequenting our websites, so what's the good if your site crashes every time the host server gets a few hundred requests? By relying on many different servers to relay information and content to your website's visitors, there's a virtual guarantee that no crashes can or will occur when utilizing a global CDN.

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